March 2024 Agenda


Thursday 28th March 2024 at 7.00pm in Silk Willoughby Village Hall

Dear Councillor

I hereby give you notice the SILK WILLOUGHBY ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Thursday 28th March 2024 at 7.00pm. All members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted as set out hereunder. 

Clerk to the Council:   Rowena Boden    Dated: 22nd March 2024

Public Forum: The Parish Council Meeting will be preceded by a public forum, for which Councillors are also asked to be present, when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the meeting but may not participate unless invited to do so by the Chairman.



Chairman’s Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements. 



To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hagues

Report from D. Cllr Jackson

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public.



1. Apologies for Absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

2. Declarations of Interest: To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interests of all parish councillors.

3. Approval of Minutes - To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 25th January 2024 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.

4. Silk Willoughby Roads - To receive an update on the repairs to Silk Willoughby’s Roads. 

5. Village Pond - To receive an update on the Village Pond. 

6. White Gates – To receive an update on the White Gates.

7. Winter Plan – To receive an update of the Winter Plan.

8. Car Park – To consider the building of a car park to use in conjunction with the Village Hall.

9. Staffing Committee – To accept the Terms of Reference for the formation of a Staffing Committee.

10. Policies – To review and accept the following policies:

a) Co-option Policy (new)

b) Training Policy (new)

c) Freedom of Information (review)

d) Publication Scheme (review)

11. Risk Assessments - To review and accept the following risk assessments.

a) Weir Pond Risk Assessment

b) Public event risk assessment for Weir Pond

c) Litter Picking Risk Assessment + Litter Pickers Guidance sheet

12. Conservation/ Heritage – To consider conservation work on the Village Pump.

13. Saving Accounts – To consider the reinvestment of the 6-month account due to finish on the 10/4/24.

14. Grant Applications – To receive an update on current grant applications. 

15. Grass Cutting – To review the grass cutting map for the new seasonal cutting year.

16. Correspondence - To receive a list of correspondence received and to discuss where needed.

17. Training – To receive an update of training attended.

18. Planning Applications. For information only.

a) 23/1497/FUL Southview, London Road Silk Willoughby Sleaford. Decision: Application approved.

19. Finances. 

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings

Invoice Date




Bank Charges



R. Boden (Month 11)



Glasdon -S1879649



Willow Homes WHILL 24-028


b) To approve payments as listed below

Invoice Date




R.Boden (Month 12)



Village Hall hire



St John’s Ambulance – via clerk


c) To consider and approve the bank reconciliation.


a) To consider and approve the renewal of the Annual Subscription 24-25 at £155.42 

b) To consider and approve joining the Annual Training Scheme at £110 + VAT

c)To consider and approve renewal fees for SLCC at £74.00

21.To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for next meeting.

22. Community Issues – To consider ways the Council can help with the community issues.

23. To note the Annual Parish Meeting on 30th May 2024 in the village hall.

24. To note the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 30th May 2024 in the village hall. 


Items of confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public, under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

25.To receive an update regarding the role of the Council as custodial trustees of the Village Hall. 

26. Clerk’s Appraisal – To consider and approve the Clerk’s appraisal held on the 28th March 2024.