January 2021 Minutes
1.To Approve and Accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of the council held on 10 September 2020 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes.
The Chairman had distributed through the doors of all councillors the notes of the meeting from 01 October 2020 to 31 January 2021.
The Clerk confirmed
All Cllrs had returned the signed slip to say they accepted the minutes as a true record. The Chairman had signed the minutes, and these had been collected by the clerk.
2.Declarations of Interest:
Cllr Mrs L Roberts Item 6(h).
3.County Councillor and District Councillor Report:
a. As no meeting could take place the dead trees between The Garden Centre and Mountains Yard would be deferred until the next meeting.
b. Any updates from District Cllr Jackson had been circulated to all Cllrs. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
4.Parish Clerk Update:
a. The fly tipping on Gorse Lane had been reported and removed in October 2020. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
b. The old LCC parish council website had been turned off and the new website was now in use. James Bell had uploaded everything that was needed and would continue to put the minutes etc on to the website. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
c. The Clerk confirmed the latest electoral register had been received in PDF format and all previous copies destroyed. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
d. An invitation had been received to attend a Census 2021 webinar on 16 January 2021. The census takes place on 21 March 2021. Cllr Mrs Roberts had attended. She said it was very good and highly informative. She had suggested a leaflet drop to all households with the census information on it and a contact number. Posters would be put on the notice board. She queried advertising on a Website, Facebook, twitter etc.
All Cllrs had signed whether we do a leaflet drop. The results were.
e. NKDC had forwarded the Cycling Strategy Consultation 2020 survey. This had been.
completed by the Chairman. This had been returned to NKDC by the closing date of 31 January 2021. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
a.Approval lists for cheque payments between 01 October 2020 and 31 January 2021 had been circulated to all Cllrs and cheques signed by 2 councillors.
100209 J F Wright Tractor Expenses £222.88
100210 Selby Office Supplies Black toner £170.33
100211 James Bell Website creation £250.00
100212 D Gascoyne Fees £385.60
100212 HMRC PAYE £57.60
100212 Proweb Anti-Virus £35.00
100213 D Gascoyne Fees £296.80
100213 HMRC PAYE £35.60
b. The Precept for 2021/2022 figure had to be returned to NKDC by 29 January 2021. As Cllrs could not meet in person due to coronavirus the Clerk had circulated the budget to all Cllrs. A signed form from each councillor had been returned saying NO INCREASE in the figure this year. The Clerk confirmed she had sent the Precept request back with a figure the same as last year of £5200.00.
c. The Clerk confirmed that the signed agreement with LCC towards grass cutting costs had been returned. LCC will pay £474.50 towards the cutting of the verges. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
Details of all planning applications had been circulated to all Cllrs.
a.20/1257 Planning application to reduce dead ash tree to leave a 12ft habitat monolith 26 Gorse Lane. NO COMMENTS FROM COUNCILLORS.
b.20/1264 Reduce Silver Birch by approx. 25%. 10 London Road. NO COMMENTS FROM COUNCILLORS.
c. Street numbering and possible change of use MSK House.
The Clerk had contacted NKDC asking them to clarify. They had replied it was just a change of name. FOR INFORMATION ONLY
d.20/1324 Planning application to fell Poplar and Willow Manor House 28 London Road. Councillors had requested the Clerk write saying they had no objections to felling the Poplar but strongly objected to the felling of the Willow.
e.20/1371 Planning application to remove Cedar. 20 London Road. NO COMMENTS FROM COUNCILLORS.
f.Notification of Tree Preservation Orders which became effective on 12 November 2020 had been received. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
g. 10/1047 Amended plans/additional information for outline planning for erection of 5 dwellings land adjacent to 30 Gorse Lane. Several residents had objected to the application. NO COMMENTS FROM COUNCILLORS
h.20/1515 Planning application for conversion of existing barn into annex. The Forge School Lane. Cllr Mrs L Roberts had declared an interest. NO COMMENTS FROM COUNCILLORS.
i.20/1047 Planning permission outline application for erection of 5 dwellings land adjacent 30 Gorse Lane. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
j.20/1515 Planning permission for conversion of existing barn into annexe. The Forge School Lane. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.
The following correspondence had been circulated to all Cllrs.
a.LALC confirmation (11.9.20) parish councils should meet digitally without the need for face-to-face contact it at all possible.
b.NKDC Updates
c. Latest COVID-19 information for Parish Councils.
d. Local Councils Update October 2020
e. LALC e-news.
f.Notice of Public Consultation Draft Tree Strategy – forwarded to Cllr Wilson and Cllr Roberts only.
g.Elancity speed equipment – forwarded to Cllr Wilson and Cllr Mrs Roberts only.
h. Police update.
i.LCC Town and Parish Newsletter – forwarded to Cllr Wilson and Cllr Mrs Roberts only.
k.Resident’s survey – forwarded to Cllr Wilson and Cllr Mrs Roberts.
l. LALC News No.174.
8.Reports from Councillors:
Due to coronavirus and not being able to meet the following reports was deferred until the next meeting.
a.Cllr Wilson – funding for carpark
b. Cllr Mrs L Roberts – pond
a.No training had taken place.
10.Date of next Meeting:
a. It is hoped that the next parish council meeting will take place in the village hall on 25 March 2021 at 7.30pm
Signed: ……………………….
Chairman Silk Willoughby Parish Council
25 March 2021