December 2022 Minutes



Thursday 15th December at 7.30pm in Silk Willoughby Village Hall


Councillors Present: Cllrs Bell, Roberts (Chair), Thackray, J. Wright and K. Wright.

In attendance: Parish Clerk Boden.




22062. Apologies for Absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. All Councillors were present

22063. Declarations of Interest: To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interests of all parish councillors. No declarations were declared.

22064. To receive an update om the Village Pond and consider the next steps.

• After 4 weeks of emails and phone calls no advice or support has been forthcoming from Anglian Water or the Environmental Agency as to what is in the pond and causing the problems.

• Cllr Roberts has had the pond tested by an Independent Specialist, at her expense and due to frustration of no help or advice. The results are attached.

• 6/12/22 emails sent to AW/EA and Highways with findings

• 7/12/22 EA replied stating funding cuts and they are prioritising calls.

• 8/12/22 Highways have stated it is not their pipe.

• Cllr Roberts has had to purchase AW maps (, at her own expense, as none were offered.

• Due to nobody taking ownership of the pipe the Parish Council must decide what the next steps should be. The pipe could be bunged up to stop any contaminants entering the pond or blast water up the pipe and see where it comes out and then block the pipe. 

It was resolved to purchase a bung for the pipe.



Items of a confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. Under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).


22065. To receive an update on the Solar Farm Grant and consider the next steps.

• A solicitor had checked the agreement and advised that two Cllrs sign the agreement and the responsible officer witnesses the signatories.

It was resolved that the Parish Council accept the agreement and sign the paperwork. It was also resolved to produce a grants policy for the next Council meeting.


The meeting closed at 8.36pm.