July 2022 Minutes


Thursday 28th July at 7.30pm in Silk Willoughby Village Hall


Councillors Present: Cllrs Roberts (Chair), Thackray, J. Wright and K. Wright.

In attendance: Parish Clerk Boden and 7 members of public.


Councillor Roberts welcomed everybody to the meeting.


Public Forum:

C. Cllr Hagues had sent his apologies due to testing positive for Covid. He had sent the clerk a report (attached).

D. Cllr Jackson had sent his apologies due to Annual Leave.


Members of the public relayed their concerns over the amount of traffic continuing to use the village from both the building sites and Mountain. Cllr Roberts explained that this was on the agenda under item 4, where it would be explained where the Council were and what would happen next.

The new tarmac outside the hall is horrible and did the Council know what was happening. Whilst the Council did not another member of the public stated that he had been speaking to the workmen and another crew would be coming back to place a topping layer  that would run from the end of the road to the Village Hall steps.


Council Session:

22017. Apologies for Absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. It was resolved to receive and accept the apologies from Cllr Bell.


22018.Declarations of Interest: To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interests of all parish councillors. Cllr Roberts declared an interest in item 9b. Application 22/0913/FUL.


22019.To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 31 May 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. It was resolved to approve and accept the notes from the 31 May 2022 and for the Chair to sign the official minutes.


22020. To receive updates regarding the traffic problems in Silk Willoughby. 

a. Acceptance of Letter and reports already issued to Cllrs. Cllr Roberts explained that the parishioners’ concerns had been collected and everything pulled together into the letter. There was also a redacted resident’s report, a resident’s graph, visibility photographs and photographs of road signs showing that traffic was being directed through Silk Willoughby. It was resolved to accept the letter and reports. 

Chair Traffic Letter

Residents Report - Redacted

Resident Report Graph

Church Lane & Sch Lane Junctions

Construction Site Signs

b. Next steps. Cllr Roberts expressed her idea to send the letter and reports to the list of people below. 

Dr Caroline Johnson MP

C. Cllr Hagues

D. Cllr Jackson

Environmental Health Impact Team 


Lincs Road Safety Partnership 


Enforcement Team 

Safer Together Team 

Head of Development 

Conservation Officer 

Building Control 

Customer Services

Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team 

Environmental Health Team

It was resolved that the clerk would email everybody on the list.


An Archer Survey (speed survey) has been booked and should carried out within the next 2-3 weeks. 


There was a slight heated motion, from the floor and Cllr Roberts had to remind that the public are not allowed to speak during the Council session.


22021. Chairs Report.

a. Solar Farm – The contract still has not been drafted.

b. Topping/ Removal of tree on Rowan Drive. A visit had been carried out and there were no trees that needed trimming at the present time. It was resolved to review in the Autumn.

c. Village Pond – The pond is registered on the HM Land Registry to an ex-councillor’s address. It was resolved for the clerk to update the Land Registry to Cllr Roberts address.


22022. Finances.

a.To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings


Transfer Date







Bank Charges



Tidy Gardens & Grounds



b. To approve payments as list below

Transfer Date




Bank Charges



R. Boden (month 3)



Ink via R. Boden



R. Boden (month 4)



c.To review and consider approval of bank reconciliations. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.


d.To review budget as per financial regulations. It was resolved to accept the budget spend as per financial regulations.

e.To review and accept mandate for Council. It was resolved to accept the new mandate that had been sent from the bank, as a previous one that the Council had downloaded and signed was incorrect for a Parish Council.


22023. To review and accept policies

a.Vexatious policy – It was resolved to accept the Vexatious policy.


22024. Clerk’s Report:

a. Neighbourhood Policing Team - A new leaflet showing the neighbourhood policing team had been placed on the noticeboard.

b. Updated Forms on Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Registerable Interests (issued by NKDC) – These had been collected by the clerk and would be sent to NKDC.

c. Anglian Water HT/905321839 – Gorse Lane. A gentleman had returned home to find that Anglian Water had dug his garden up. FOR INFORMATION ONLY.

d. Fix My Street – A poster showing how to report problems had been placed on the noticeboard.


22025. Planning: To consider and make any comments on planning applications

a.22/0783/FUL - Change of use of garage to single storey dwelling and erection of single storey side extension and new porch, 4 School Lane Silk Willoughby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8PG. FOR INFORMATION ONLY


Cllr Roberts had declared an interest in item 9b and left the room at 8.05pm.


b.22/0913/FUL - Formation of new vehicular access and driveway, The Granary School Lane Silk Willoughby Sleaford Lincolnshire. Comments by 11th August. It was resolved that the clerk submit ‘No Comment’ from the Council.


Cllr Robert entered the room at 8.07pm


22026. Insurance: To approve insurance for the year - Quotes already received by Cllrs. The Clerk had received the renewal quote from Zurich and had tried to obtain 2 further quotes. BHIB would not quote as they could not match the price and Ansvar had not replied to the request. It was resolved to accept Zurich’s renewal, starting on the 29th July.


22027. Items raised from previous agenda.

a. Footpath on School Lane – It was resolved to defer to the next meeting.

b. Overgrown Hedges - Aswarby Estates had explained that it is up to the tenant to keep the hedges in good condition but they would ask the tenant as a priority.

c. Village Hall Ramp. It was resolved to defer to the next meeting.


22027. To review Defibrillator checks. It was resolved that the clerk would take on Defibrillator checks.


22028.To consider items for inclusion on the agenda for next meeting. Items for the next agenda to include the planting of the Oak Tree and the Road Sign into the village.


22029. Date of Next Meeting:

a.To note the next meeting as 29 September 2022 at 7.30pm in the village hall.


Items of confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public. under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).


22030. To discuss London Bridge. It was resolved to arrange a meeting with the Church and the Village Hall and to place on the agenda for the next meeting.


22031. To discuss Clerk’s Probationary Period and Contract. It was resolved that the Clerk’s Probationary Period had been successful and that the updated contract be signed by both parties.


The meeting closed at 8.45pm


Attached Cllr Hagues Notes

Highways work, consisting of re-surfacing parts of the A17 from Holdingham to Beckingham will be starting shortly.  This work will be carried out at night.
LCC will be organising free holiday activities and food clubs across the county during the summer holidays.
The programme is open to primary and secondary aged children and young people receiving benefits related free school meals.  It is funded by the Department of Education and has been made possible, thanks to local partners, including schools, sports providers leisure centres, youth clubs, early years and kids clubs.
You can find out further details at
Eligible families are also being supported through the HouseholdSupportFund.
Lincolnshire has been allocated £5.5m.  Half of this money has already been passed on to schools and early years providers to support eligible pupils.
Any resident facing financial difficulties can find details by visiting htts://costoflivingsupport.campaign.gov.uk
Highways are currently looking to see what impact the proposed new housing in and around Sleaford will have on transportation in Sleaford and are hoping to have a model ready by the end of this year.
Finally, with regards to the parked motorhome in Osbournby.  I passed the details on to the police, who were going to check it out.