July 2020 Minutes


Due to Coronavirus all items on the agenda except Finance were suspended until the meeting in September

8. Finance:

a.The March meeting had been cancelled due to Coronavirus and the following payments had been made.

100197    Silk Willoughby Village Hall    Hire charges    £97.00
100198    D Gascoyne    Fees    £322.20
100199    L.A.L.C    Subscription    £140.47

Councillors had received an Approval List and unanimously agreed to these March payments.

b. The May meeting had been cancelled due to Coronavirus and the following payments had been made

101200    Hazel Hill    Internal Audit    £35.00
101201    Zurich Insurance    Insurance    £257.60
101202    D Gascoyne`    Fees    £316.30
101202    HMRC    PAYE    £59.60
101203    Proweb    Computer updates    £25.00
101204    NFU Mutual    Insurance    £200.54
DD    ICO    Data Fee    £35.00

Councillors had received an Approval List and unanimously agreed to these May payments.

c. The Bank Reconciliations from 01 April 2020 to 30 June 2020 had been circulated to all  Cllrs. Councillors had unanimously agreed to accept the bank reconciliations and cashbooks from 01 April 2020 to 30 June 2020.

d. The Precept of £5200 had been paid into the bank in April and the VAT repayment of £86.64 had been paid into the bank in June. FOR INFORMATION ONLY

e. The Approval List for July payments had been circulated to all Cllrs.

101205    Selby Office Supplies    Toner    £89.05
101206    D Gascoyne    Fees    £304.20
101206    HMRC    PAYE    £18.00

Councillors had no objections to the above payments being made.

                                Initialled …………………..            
f. The Internal Audit report had been circulated and Councillors unanimously agreed to accept it.
g. Section 1 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019/2020 had been circulated to all Councillors. There had been no objections and the Chairman signed Section 1. This was recorded as Minute Reference 8(g)

h. Section 2 Accounting Statement 2019/2020 of the AGAR had been circulated to all Councillors. There had been no objections and the Chairman and Clerk signed Section 2 Accounting Statement. This was recorded as Minute reference 8(h).

i.The Certificate of Exemption 2019/2020 had been circulated to all Councillors. There had been no objections and the Chairman and Responsible Finance Officer signed the Certificate of Exemption. This was recorded as Minute reference 8(i)

j. The  Clerk confirmed that the Zurich insurance remained the same as last year, This had been paid retrospectively in May.

12.Date of Next Meeting:
a.The date of the next meeting was provisionally set as 25 September 2020 in
the village hall.  This all depends on the ongoing coronavirus situation.

                        Signed: ……………………………………
                        Chairman: Silk Willoughby Parish Council

                        10 September 2020

It is important to understand that the information given above represents notes of the meeting which took place and do not become Minutes of SILK WILLOUGHBY PARISH COUNCIL until accepted or otherwise at the following meeting.