Silk Willoughby Parish Council met with MP Caroline Johnson, on the 8th October 2022, to discuss the continuous traffic that is having to use the narrow London Road through Silk Willoughby.

Silk Willoughby is in a conservation area and has a number of listed buildings throughout the village and the people of Silk Willoughby say they are kept awake by lorries heading down London Road, as they drive over deep drains and the noise "echoes" through.

The problem has only worsened since development began on the Handley Chase development in Sleaford, Cllr Louise Roberts, the chairwoman of Silk Willoughby Parish Council, said. More than 1,500 homes will be built on the vast new estate, which will effectively connect the east and west ends of Sleaford, and Cllr Roberts has raised concerns over what the "next 10 years" could entail as lorries already pass through "day and night",

An Archer Survey has recently been carried out to show the amount of traffic coming through the village and the number of people speeding.

LCC Highways are to carry out a formal highways inspection on the road in mid-November and will pick up and address any highway defects.

Published: Thursday, 23rd February 2023