November 2023 Minutes


held on the Thursday 30th November 2023 at 7.30pm in Silk Willoughby Village Hall


Councillors Present: Cllrs Bell, Roberts (Chair), Thackray, J. Wright and K. Wright

In attendance: C. Cllr Hagues, D. Cllr Jackson, R. Boden (Clerk) and 7 members of the public.



Chairman’s Welcome and Housekeeping Arrangements. 


To receive reports from outside bodies.

Report from C. Cllr Hagues. C. Cllr Hagues reported that 684 properties have been flooded in Lincolnshire with a further 491 having water almost inside their properties. The flooding has raised ‘Section 19’ reports that LCC will investigate. £4 million has been pledged towards home improvements to prevent flooding for the future. Lincolnshire is seeking Devolution and this will give rise to a Mayor. This will raise £24 million a year for 10 years for Lincolnshire. The Mayor will become the voice of Lincolnshire and the Districts will remain.

Report from D. Cllr Jackson. Report attached

Questions or Points raised by residents and members of the public. A resident raised their concern that the grass cutter was not tidying the edges when they cut the grass. At the moment we are out of grass cutting season but the Council will take note for when the grass cutting begins next year. A member of public asked if the installation of the car park is still on the agenda as had been mentioned when the solar farm talks began. Cllr Roberts will ask Aswarby Estates if the land is still available and the item will be placed on the next agenda. Another resident expressed that a note of commendation be sent to Ropsley Farms for the excellent hedge cutting that they have carried out on the London Road, A15 junction. The clerk will respond. It was brought to the attention of the Council that the monument is at a stage where work is required on it. Cllr Roberts explained that the new NKDC Conservation Officer was down to attend a meeting with the Council before tonight’s meeting but due to the length of the agenda it had been postponed to the January meeting.



23118. Apologies for Absence: To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. No apologies received as all the Cllrs were present.

23119. Declarations of Interest: To receive Declarations of Pecuniary Interests of all parish councillors. No declarations were received.

23120. Approval of Minutes - To approve and accept as a true record the notes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 28th September 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes. It was resolved to approve and accept as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on the 28th September 2023 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.

23121. Silk Willoughby Roads - To receive an update on the ongoing Traffic concerns. There has been no further update on the works planned for February 2024 however Cllr Roberts has received confirmation from Rowan Smith at LCC that the red tarmac at the start of villages is no longer being used/ replaced due to costs. LCC can paint the Slow and 30mph roundel. It was resolved for the clerk to write to LCC.

It was also noted that Cllr Roberts has been contacted regarding the lack of lights at the furthest end of School Lane. It was resolved for the clerk to contact LCC Highways to ask if any lights could be installed for the residents.

23122. Village Pond - To receive an update on the Village Pond. Cllr Roberts emailed Rowan Smith at LCC and there is no further update as to work to be carried out on the gullies.

23123. Grant Applications – To receive an update on current grant applications. Cllrs Roberts has received confirmation that the Church has had the facility agreed for the work to be carried out on the clock. It was resolved for the deposit money to be paid when the invoices had been received.

23124. Saving Accounts – To receive an update on the accounts. Cllr Roberts explained that all £200,000 had been invested. The Council had looked at and applied for different accounts over the past year, as previously minuted, but due to obstacles of the clerk not having access to the Lloyds account and problems with transferring money from HSBC to CCLA the money has been invested into 3 saving accounts within HSBC. These are split as follows:

HSBC 1 year fixed to end October 2024 - £70,000 with an interest rate of 4.9%

HSBC 6 month fixed to end April 2024 - £70,000 with an interest rate of 4.86%

HSBC 1 month fixed to end December 2023 - £60,000 with an interest rate of 4.6%

The £60,000 should have been placed into a CCLA account but due to problems with the HSBC mandate it had been placed in the 1-month fixed account so that a decision could be made at the November meeting as to the amount and where to place. It was resolved to move £50,000 into a 3-month fixed account with HSBC. The interest and £10,000 will be returned to the current account for the grant payment.

23125. Village Hall – To receive an update of the village hall. Cllr Roberts explained that on the 27th October she had received a text from the VH Chair explaining that the committee were struggling to continue as a trustee member had resigned. She had met him that evening to discuss the problems on both sides.

He assured her that the problems that residents had previously mentioned were being worked through to rectify them and a meeting with the committee was due to be held on the 3rd November. Since the meeting he had emailed Cllr Roberts on the 5th November and a copy of this had been issued to all Cllrs in the meeting packs.

Another committee member has since been found but it is to be noted that the VH committee are still running at risk.

23126. White Gates – To consider the purchase and siting of white speed gates for the village. A meeting of Cllrs had been held on the 10th November to look at the possible siting of the white gates and to take measurements. It was resolved for the Parish Council to move forward and purchase the gates and install them on all the roads into the village. This is to be both ends of London Road and Gorse Lane.

Cllr Roberts had taken guidance from Rowan Smith at LCC Highways and the gates must be placed 600mm from the road edge. There can be no speed limit signs on the gates, but signs such as ‘please drive slowly through the village’ may be installed. They can be placed before/ after/ or at the speed limit signs – this is up to the PC. 

It was resolved to purchase 3 pairs of 960mm gates at 1.8m high, in a style of 3 slatted and with a diagonal crossbar. No extra signs to be installed on them. The clerk is to apply to LCC Highways for planning permission to install the gates before purchasing the gates.

23127. Correspondence - To receive a list of correspondence received and to discuss where needed. 

Matthew Bently, NKDC Conservation Officer, was due to attend and discuss the conservation area with the Cllrs before this meeting, but due to the items on the agenda he has been deferred to the next meeting.

Mark Jones from Aswarby Estate has been in touch regarding the new solar farm that is being proposed. This is for information only as it not within the Parish but on the other side of Mareham Lane.

Cllr Roberts has asked Aswarby Estate to look at cutting the hedge on School Lane and to inspect the overhanging trees as a few look to have died.

Aswarby Estate are to hold a meeting with the Solar Farm management team regarding the condition of the road. Information will be forwarded to the PC.

School Lane street sign is now installed and completed.

The Lincoln Local Plan was updated in October 2023 and the area on the corner of London Road has been identified as a green and important space

Storm Babet caused local flooding. Cllr Roberts and other Cllrs attended properties to help, sorted sandbags and have placed notices on facebook regarding weather warnings and links to grants available via NKDC.

23128. Street Lights. – To consider writing to ask for the installation of street lights on School Lane. As the village has grown there are now properties at the end of School Lane that are not covered by the street lights. It was resolved for the clerk to write to LCC Highways to ask if street lights can be installed.

23129. CIL funds – To receive an update on the spending of the CIL money. The PC have received two amounts of CIL funds given in Oct 21 and Nov 22. The PC have 5 years to spend this money otherwise it needs to be returned to NKDC. 

There is £442.22 left from the £2118.39 (Oct 21) with purchases of Jubilee Celebrations

Jubilee Trees, Village Pond clearance and the Queen's memorial bench.  The Nov 22 amount of £2118.39 has not been used.

23130. Planning Applications. For information only.

a) 23/0922/HOUS – 20 London Road. Outcome: Approved 

23131. Hedgerow – To consider the trimming of a hedge on London Road. A member of the public has expressed concern regarding the overgrown hedge between Pennells and Mountains. It was resolved for the clerk to report the problem.

23132. Winter Care Plan – To consider the creation of a Winter Care Plan for the village. It was resolved for the PC to produce a leaflet that has useful contact numbers and general safety information. These will be dropped into every house within the village.

The grit bins need refilling and this will be reported.

The sandbags are now being stored at the village hall for the community to use. The details of the available grants for property damage during Storm Babet have been posted on Facebook.

23133. Royal British Legion + ‘D’ Day 80th Anniversary

a) To consider a donation to the RBL for Remembrance Day. It was resolved to give a donation of £25 to the Royal British Legion for Remembrance Day, as the PC had reused the Poppy Wreath this year.

b) To consider arrangements for the 80th Anniversary of ‘D’ Day 2024. It was resolved to ask the Village Hall Committee if anything had been planned and to see if the PC could work together with them to host a celebration.

23134. Budget + Precept 

a) To consider the budget spend for 2024– 2025. It was resolved to accept the budget spend for 2024-2025.

b) To consider the Precept for 2024 – 2025. Cllr Roberts proposed that the budget remain at £5,200 for the financial year 2024-2025. Cllr Thackray seconded the proposal and it was resolved for the precept to remain at £5,200.

23135. Training – To receive an update on training. The clerk had attended the Chair and Clerks training session. Cllr Roberts could not attend due to illness. Cllr Roberts was due to attend the Chairs workshop.

23136. Finances. 

a) To receive the clerk’s report on payments between meetings

Invoice Date







Tidy Gardens & Grounds



R. Boden (Month 6)



Bank Charges



Silk Willoughby VH






Tidy Gardens & Grounds



R. Boden (Month 7)



LALC - Training



Bank Charges


It was resolved to accept the clerk’s report on the spending between meetings.

b) To note a credit of £535.69 has been received from LCC for the grass cutting allowance. It was noted that £535.69 had been received from LCC for the grass cutting allowance.

c) To consider and approve the bank reconciliation. It was resolved to approve the bank reconciliation.

23137. Date and Time of next meeting. To note the next meeting as 25th January 2024 at 7.30pm in the village hall. 


Items of confidential nature to be debated in the absence of the press and public, under the Public Bodies (Admission to the Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of the business).

23138.To review the NALC pay awards accepted for the financial year 2023-24. It was resolved to accept the NALC pay awards for the financial year 2023-2024.

23139.To consider information received regarding the role of the Council as custodial trustees of the Village Hall. It was resolved for the Council to seek advice from the Charity Commission regarding their role as custodial trustees of the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 9.24pm.


District Councillors Report Silk Willoughby - Nov 2023 

Sleaford’s Market Place

The Planning Application for the change to the Market Place can be viewed HERE.  The application number is 23/0803/FUL.  It was brought before the Planning Committee on Tuesday evening with 12 in favour with one abstention of deferring the application.  It received more than 100 objections and a petition with more than 1,000 signatures.

It was delayed for six reasons:  

• Ensuring disabled people have fair access.

• Clarity on materials demonstrating how they reflect, preserve, and enhance the heritage of the square.

• Reassessment of seating to ensure people can engage with the heritage assets.

• Reconsideration of the removal of the toilet block for traders.  Ensuring provision for business is reconsidered, such as timed access for deliveries.

• To consider simple, unobtrusive protection for the war memorial.


Proposed agreement for a devolution deal for Greater Lincolnshire

Within the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Autumn Statement on Wednesday 22 November, there was the announcement of a proposed agreement for a devolution deal between the Government and the local authorities of Lincolnshire County Council, North Lincolnshire Council and North East Lincolnshire Council – the area known as Greater Lincolnshire.

The Government says it is a ’historic deal’ marking ‘a new devolution agreement’ that ‘will see the creation of the Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined County Authority (MCCA), alongside a directly elected mayor for the area. The aim is for the first mayoral election to be held in May 2025.

In its statement the Government says the devolution deal transfers new powers and funding to the Greater Lincolnshire MCCA, alongside a £720 million long-term investment fund to drive economic growth and take forward local priorities. Alongside this, the deal also includes £8.6 million of investment in brownfield funding, devolution of the Adult Education Budget, and £20 million of capital funding in advance of the inaugural election to drive place-based economic regeneration in Greater Lincolnshire (subject to business cases). You can find the statement on the GOV.UK website  HERE.

This agreement is subject to ratification by those councils, and to the statutory requirements for making the secondary legislation implementing the provisions of the deal. These statutory requirements include those councils consenting to the legislation and Parliament approving it. Once that legislation is made the devolution deal will be confirmed.

North Kesteven District Council is part of the partnership of ten councils and organisations involved in shaping this deal.

You can read the full news article on the North Kesteven District Council website HERE. Find out more information on the Lincolnshire County Council website HERE.

Changes to bin collection dates over Christmas.

You can download a poster showing the changes to bin collections HERE for printing or posting on Social Media.

New tourism experiences programme

Do you know of anyone who operates a business in North Kesteven that’s geared towards the visitor economy?

They might be interested in a new business support programme offering free support in creating new experiences, trails, and tourism products.

Experts in the visitor economy Destination Lincolnshire and Unmissable England are delivering the support, and it’s been secured by the Council through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

For more information visit HERE.

The first units complete at Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park

Work to build 15 units at Sleaford Moor Enterprise Park is now complete, moving the development closer to welcoming in the first businesses to call it home.

They’re all designed to meet business needs now and in future, by providing flexible space to grow and in reducing energy use through features including EV charging points, solar panels, and even skylights within the plot one units.

In plot one there are nine units ranging from 1,313 sq ft to 2,066 sq ft – these benefit from solar panels, energy efficient insulation and electric vehicle charging points. Plot three contains six slightly larger grow-on business units from 3,369 sq ft to 5,123 sq ft and these have solar panels, EV charging points and more.

There’s just some final touches to go which will complete phase one, including planting. Follow @northkestevendc and @businessnk to stay up to date.

For more information please visit HERE.